Passing the Bar ExamPassing the Bar Exam

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Passing the Bar Exam

When I was a child, I loved watching television programs about criminal court cases. I enjoyed watching a skillful criminal attorney find a way to get his client off the hook. During high school, I even thought about becoming a lawyer myself. If you’re preparing to become a criminal attorney, you might be studying for the bar exam. This comprehensive test causes many prospective lawyers to miss a few nights of sleep. One good idea when studying for this exam is to talk with other criminal attorneys. This is a great way to learn firsthand about procedures, laws, and interesting cases. On this blog, you will learn how to jumpstart your criminal law career by studying successfully for the bar exam.


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3 Non-Violent Crimes That May Get Kids Arrested

When people think about juveniles ending up in jail, their minds tend to go to stealing, under-age drinking, and the possession, use, or selling of drugs. Of course, these crimes can also be committed by adults. There are some crimes—non-violent ones—that can be committed by juveniles that are specific to minors. Some of the offenses may have light consequences, while others may have more severe consequences. Regardless, here are three non-violence crimes that can result in minors being arrested and taken to jail.

Offense #1: Running Away

When children run away, you wouldn't think that they could be arrested for it. While they may not be able to everywhere, minors can be arrested for this in some jurisdictions. In some areas, children can only legally live on their own when they have been emancipated. As a general rule, runaways will make it back to their parents. However, if children continue to run away, the court could enforce consequences, such as jail.

Offense #2: Skipping School

Though skipping school isn't the worst crime in the world, kids who skip school can and often do get arrested for what is known as truancy. Generally, the court will tolerate a few school-skipping offenses, especially if the minor has no other offenses on their record. The minor can come out of the truancy arrest with a minor consequence, such as community service. However, if the pattern continues and several truancy arrests are racked up by the minor, he or she can expect to receive more serious consequences, such as juvenile detention.

Offense #3: Breaking Curfew

There are some jurisdictions that do not allow minors to be outside of their homes or off their properties after a certain hour or before a certain hour unless they are going to or from work or school. Minors can, of course, be out after curfew with a parent or legal guardian. There are varying curfews for cities and states. For example, in Birmingham, Alabama, minors have a curfew of 9:00 p.m. during the week and 11:00 p.m. on the weekend. When this curfew is violated, minors are subject to a $500 fine and parents can also be held liable.

The specific curfews and consequences vary from city to city and state to state, but the premise is the same: minors that break curfew may suffer the consequences, and parents may as well. Similar to other crimes, a minor who commits their first offense or does not have a criminal record may simply get a slap on the wrist; however, a repeat offender can likely expect more serious consequences. Speak with a criminal defense attorney at firms like The Law Offices Of Jesse P Duran to learn more.